Hakuba Folding Inner D Black

RM 99.00


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It is assumed the standard lens SLR with interchangeable lenses one storage size. 
Your everyday bag transforms into a camera bag! Fold the inner soft box. 
-Pocket mesh accessory box on the front of the box 
-Close the lid so repellent dust, overlies a luggage further on in your bag 
You can also and easily removable lid 
And with rubber band comes in mind when you don't use the get slim 


Camera equipment protective inner box camera bag camera camera digital SLR camera equipment for fashion bags

In dimensions W 230 x H160×D110mm 
Outside dimension W 240 x H170×D120mm 
Weight approx. 140 g 
Material polyester 
Accessories rubber band, box pad x 1 

Hakuba  Folding  Inner  D  Black