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Nikon EDG Fieldscope 85-A with Stay-On Case

RM 11173.00


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With a host of great improvements upon an already-beloved scope (the Fieldscope 82 ED), the Nikon Fieldscope 85mm EDG is a streamlined, cutting-edge spotting scope for the most demanding of birders, hunters, and nature enthusiasts.  It is a scope that can accompany you upon most all-day hikes without weighing you down, and provides incredible images for observing and/or capturing with digital cameras through any lighting condition.

In creating the straight viewing 85mm EDG, Nikon employed all of the optical improvements found in the incredible EDG binoculars.  As great as the Fieldscope 82 ED was, and remains, the EDG is indeed that bit brighter, whiter, and of higher edge contrast when compared directly.  Additionally, Nikon was able to produce these advantages even when employing a smaller, lighter roof prism; indeed, this is the first birder's super-premium scope employing a roof prism.

The Fieldscope 85mm EDG is produced in both a straight and an angled viewing version, and which you choose should depend upon your observing tendencies.  Most would agree that using a straight scope makes it harder to initially locate subjects, and assuredly straight scopes are better for use in elevated positions.  It is also shorter in both length and height as well.  The main drawback to the straight viewing design is solely the difficulty in sharing the view amongst a group of observers of varied heights.

Objective Diameter85mm

Close Focus Distance16.4 ft.

Dimensions (Body only)L 15.7" x W 4.0" (398mm x 102mm)

Weight (Body only)73.54 oz. (2085gm)

  • Extra-low dispersion (ED) glass for chromatic aberration compensation and brighter, clearer viewing
  • Phase-correction-coated roof prism for high resolution
  • Dielectric high-reflective multilayer prism coating on roof prism for the brightest view (straight models only)
  • All lenses and prisms are multilayer-coated for the brightest images
  • Waterproof (up to 2m/6.6 ft. for 10 minutes) and fog free with nitrogen gas and O-ring seals (body-andeyepiece joint is water-resistant)
  • Stylish new design
  • Three tripod mount screw holes provided for flexible mounting; optimum balance achieved through CAE (Computer Aided Engineering)
  • Seven eyepieces exclusively for EDG Fieldscopes are optionally available
  • Built-in sliding hood protects objective lens

Nikon  EDG  Fieldscope  85-A  with  Stay-On  Case